During a lifetime, human beings are confronted with complex situations involving power relationships, manipulation and physical, sexual or mental violence. Identifying these behaviors is the first step towards finding a way out. The second step is to break the silence. This leads to the third step: taking constructive action. Yes, but how?
This training course provides food for thought with Care to Tell? ©, a collaborative role-playing board game designed to help break the silence on sexual and gender-based violence (and other situations) and learn to deal with them collectively.
The game was created as part of the GiveLab project, funded by Erasmus+. GiveLab aimed to provide youth professionals, learners and young people with tools on the theme of gender, sexist and sexual violence.
Care to Tell?© is the result of two years’ work with a consortium of ten partner associations from France, Belgium, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Austria and Latvia.
Visit https://www.solidaritesjeunesses.org/projetstransversaux/givelab for information on the project and to upload the game together with instructions.
Training available in english :
Download the full description of the training
Overall pedagogical objective:
To assert oneself in complex situations and in the face of conflictual behaviour by choosing posture and mode of action.
Specific pedagogical objectives:
• Identify and name the problems encountered (harassment, manipulation, violence, discrimination…)
• Unblock speech
• Test methods for resolving complex problems and managing conflict
• Know how to mobilize the relevant internal resources and services to deal with and resolve a conflict.
• Care to Tell ? © board game Download game here
• Transdisciplinary theoretical framework: elements of psychology, sociology, law, cognitive science, history, communication, public policy, management
• Needs analysis to answer specific problems met by the group
• Adaptability
• Active listening and caring environment
• Collective intelligence facilitation
• CARE TO TELL? ©Time for sharing experiences and listening
Using the game to learn how to express problems and manage emotions
Putting one’s difficulties into words and using active listening to hear those of others
Devising a practical course of action
Mobilize existing resources
Analysis and synthesis of results
Contextualization of the situations highlighted
Prioritization of the ideas put forward during the game for dealing with and resolving problems and conflicts.
The rest of the training is adapted to the results of the debriefing, to identify and analyze the issues raised in the game (see examples below).
Discrimination (including sex, gender and origin)
Traditional sexism
Sexual and gender-based violence
This part is carried out according to need. The educator helps participants put into practice the solutions proposed in the game and identified as priorities.
She then adds tools and methods that the participants are unfamiliar with, but which could help them solve their problems. For example :
• Co-development
• Osborn Creative Problem Solving (CPS)
• Problem Tree
• The Why Detective
• Non-violent communication principles and tools
• Practical advice and testing of stress management and assertiveness tools
• Legal input (legislation, rights, resources…)
• Mobilization and appropriate choice of internal and external university resources and services
• Role-playing to practice handling difficult situations
This section enables practical tests to be carried out on realistic actions that are possible for trainees beyond the training room. They assert themselves and develop their individual and collective power to act.
2 days
Your premises
Group size:
From 5 to 10 persons
Target audience:
Anyone interested in resolving conflictual and violent situations
Marine Pansu / Laurence Moss
English only
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